Page 8 - Brochure HPLED II
P. 8

Lites s.r.l.
     Lites s.r.l.

      for more information
      contact us                                                                    HPLED II T                                                              Bi-colour 3000°K - 5700°K

                                           Photometric data LED 5700°K  94 CRI
          Measurements carried out using a pattern of 42 LEDs 5700°K CRI 94 for a period of 30 minutes at 25°C room temperature
          using a 25° ETC ‘s optics. . Data are informatory and not binding
                        Distance m      4 m          6 m          8 m         10 m         12 m       14 m
           Source Four     Lux         3841         1707          960         615          427          314
            optics 19°  Diameter ø m    1,20         1,8         2,40          3,0          3,6         4,2
           Source Four     Lux         2667         1185          667         427          296          218
            optics 26°  Diameter ø m    1,65        2,48         3,31         4,41         4,97         5,79
           Source Four     Lux         1775          789          444         284          197          145
            optics 36°  Diameter ø m    2,32        3,48         4,64         5,81         6,97         8,13
           Source Four     Lux          781          347          195         125           87           64
            optics 50°  Diameter ø m    3,73        5,59         7,46         9,32         11,19        13,05

                               Photometric data with led 3000° K - 5700° K (both at maximum)
          Measurements carried out using a pattern of 84 LEDs 3000°K + 5700°K  for a period of 30 minutes at 25°C room temperature
          using a 25° ETC ‘s optics. . Data are informatory and not binding
                        Distance m      4 m          6 m          8 m         10 m         12 m       14 m
           Source Four     Lux         5294         2353         1323         847          588          432
            optics 19°  Diameter ø m    1,20         1,8         2,40          3,0          3,6         4,2
           Source Four     Lux         3441         1529          860         551          382          281
            optics 26°  Diameter ø m    1,65        2,48         3,31         4,41         4,97         5,79
           Source Four     Lux         2470         1098          618         395          274          202
            optics 36°  Diameter ø m    2,32        3,48         4,64         5,81         6,97         8,13
           Source Four     Lux         1141          507          285         183          127           93
            optics 50°  Diameter ø m    3,73        5,59         7,46         9,32         11,19        13,05

                                        Castel Goffredo  MN (Italy) - Copyright Lites Srl
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